Am I Going To Have To Shiv A Bitch?

Doug Williams thinks he can get Neill Blomkamp to love him. But no one loves Neill like I do. NO ONE YOU GOT THAT BITCH
Doug Williams thinks he can get Neill Blomkamp to love him. But no one loves Neill like I do. NO ONE YOU GOT THAT BITCH

It looks like I’m not the only one vying for Neill Blomkamp’s attention. This is a blog filled with adoration of all the right stuff, by a artist who makes nice things. I’m gonna have to step up my game.

Old Sketch

I just found this while looking through old illustrations for materials for Human Contact. It’s not related, but I remember being really proud of this drawing. The original’s about 4″ tall.

If I recall, the deal is that these guys are herd animals, but their herds stretch really far apart. They stay in communication with natural radio that run along the top of their bodies inside their carapaces. They’re not naturally highly intelligent, but because of their distributed observational standpoint, have a complex communication system for predicting the weather on the barren, storm-ridden surface of their planet. As herbivores, they spend most of their time snuffling through the soil for little fungus-things, but they occasionally gobble up a little animal that secretes a toxin that has psychoactive effects on the enormous creatures. This pushes their nervous system into full-fledged creative intelligence, which they can only participate in when they’re large enough to not be poisoned by the toxin. Children are therefore little herds, incapable of creative thought. Only adolescence brings creativity.

They have a single eye, but it’s evolved to give them a limited form of depth perception.

They also have started realizing that, if they all point their antennae up, they hear some really weird stuff.

Sculpture of a Humanoid

Humanoid sculpture, right hand with a walking stick

I’ve been back down in the basement, working with the Sculpey. It’s more fun than is really reasonable.

I decided to try something with anatomy that could be rationally interrogated this time. So I’m doing a dude. I don’t know what his story is yet. Sooner or later, he’s going to have clothes, jewelry, and that stick will gain some character, but I don’t know what the stuff is yet.

There’s more detail visible over in the little guy’s thread at Concept Art. I’m going to post over there with more detail, just posting highlights on the blog here.

As usual, click these images to see a larger slideshow.

Ashlesan Warrior Sculpture, Painted

Ashlesan warrior, about to stomp you. Gills are visible between the halves of the shell and the eating orifice is visible under the raised foot.

Painting is nearly done! You can see a spot I missed completely on the right knee, and there are a couple of spots that still need work, but the body’s just about done. Next come the banners, which will brighten the monochrome substantially. More pics under the cut!

Continue reading “Ashlesan Warrior Sculpture, Painted”

Biosphere2 in the 21st century

In 1992, you may recall the bold experiment of Biosphere2 — to make an enclosed ecosystem like that we would require on interplanetary trips — that failed almost instantly among normal, predictable (but ignored) human sexual politics and demagoguery. There were engineering problems (who knew concrete absorbed the CO2 that the plants needed to breathe to make oxygen so the humans could breate?), jealousies, and all of the other things you’d expect from such an experiment (in fact, were the very subject of the experiment), but were somehow unanticipated by the founders.

Biosphere2 is still there. A series of photos by Noah Sheldon documents its current state — some of it is surprisingly vibrant.

Warrior of the Southern Heart Sculpture

I haven’t made any sculpture in years, and I’ve never used Sculpey to do anything but make little beads. So we’ll see how this goes. I’ve gotten a lot of help from the extraordinarily kind and knowledgeable artists over at the Concept Art fora.

Lots of pictures of this Warrior of the Southern Heart of Ashlesa 5.2, so look after the break. As with all art on the site from now on, you can click images to get a belargened slide show.

Continue reading “Warrior of the Southern Heart Sculpture”