Every Spacer Poops: an Interview with Concept Artist Jeff Zugale

Jeff Zugale is a concept artist best known for his work on video games like BioShock: The Collection and Evolve. He draws spaceships for a living, and I thought maybe we could talk about that. I figured you probably think that’s as cool as I do.

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Reaching for Aphelion: an Interview with Gloria Reynolds

Gloria Reynolds is an aerospace engineer and comic artist living in the Pacific Northwest. Her posthuman science fiction comic Aphelion is something I’ve been longing for for years: a comic that stretches the imagination and shows images that are uncomfortably unfamiliar, but with rigorous, naturalistic thought applied to the setting and events. I put it on a very narrow shelf with PLANETES and, frankly, not much else.

Gloria sat down for a couple of hours with me on Skype and we chatted about engineering, science fiction, and creative process.

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Escaping The Habitats of Our Own Making: an interview with Simon Roy

Simon Roy’s new comic, Habitat, is, in the best way, horrifying. It connects the greatest taboo among most human cultures — cannibalism — with the sort of quotidian oppression that humans have lived with throughout most of our existence.

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