Maybe You Want Not To Publish

Whether or Not to Publish an Indie Game

Dreamation is a game convention I go to every year in New Jersey. You probably know about it because you’re either one of the people I saw there or because you know me and know that I disappeared for four days a couple of weeks ago. It’s a pretty cool thing. They make indie designers extraordinarily welcome, giving us food and beds, a really sweet place to sell our games, and lots of friendly and positive space to play in. I can’t thank them enough, and they seem to feel that we bring a lot to the con. It’s the kind of symbiosis that you hope for.One of the annual events is a roundtable discussion of peoples’ game designs. Usually its run by Luke Crane and Jared Sorensen, but Jared bailed this year, leaving it to Fred Hicks and Rob Donoghue to play Luke’s foil. They did a stellar job, joining Luke in asking perceptive questions to help people refine their ideas, offering solutions of their own, and keeping the room positive and focused.One of the things that I noticed about this year’s Independent Publishing Roundtable was that it was frickin’ crammed with people. My first year, there were maybe a dozen people. Then it was two dozen. This year it was maybe 50 or 60 people. That’s really excellent. It’s a lot of fun, we get to hear people’s excited ideas and encourage folks to make art. It’s a blast.But it means that we have to ask some tough questions of ourselves when we start thinking about this game we’ve got designed. Here’s a list of these questions. I think that, if you’re thinking about designing, publishing, or selling a game, you should make sure that your answers are really your answers and not based on flawed — and potentially demoralizing and expensive — assumptions.Consider what you’re making when you’re making a game.

Is this something that solves a problem you have when playing with your friends?

Do you and your friends enjoy playing with this?

Does it invoke a new way of looking at play?

Consider if you want to publish your game.

Do you want to share the experience you have at the table?

Do you want to be subject to critique, useful and otherwise?

Do you want to learn about writing, editing, typography, and the other technical aspects of publishing?

Consider whether you want to sell the game.

Do you want to make sure the game fits a particular market niche, and are you willing to alter it to fit a niche?

Do you want to make decisions about pricing, costs, distribution, and printing?

Do you want to make a profit selling your game?

Don’t just go down and blithely say “yes” to everything. Think about them. And you should take longer to think about each question than the last. And lemme tell you a cold, hard reason why.

I showed up at the Forge booth in 2004 with Under the Bed. There were, if I recall, 31 other games for sale there. I sold 40-some copies of UtB, a quirky little game about toys and children that had a funny way of making adults cry. That’s the year The Mountain Witch came out. It sold 92 copies.

Last year, the Forge/IPR booth had over 100 games for sale. I believe the top seller sold 40-some copies. I don’t remember who that was or what their game was, but I have no doubt that it sold a lot because it was good.

I’ll say that louder: The best-marketed, best-designed, best-sold game sold fewer than half as many copies as the top sellers in the two previous years. You, as a potential publisher, now have a lot of competition. It’s friendly comptetition, to be sure, and your friends will all help you sell your game as much as you help sell theirs, but it’s a crowded booth. You want to make sure your vision of your game is served by what you’re doing with it. So consider these possibilities:

You have a game that is fun to play with your friends and at cons. Play it with them! Have a great time! This may not need to be published. Playing with people and having fun is, after all, what this endeavor is all about.

You have a game that will interest a very particular niche: fans of another particular game, for instance, or enthusiasts of an unpopular genre, and should therefore invest as little as possible into the production of your game. PDFs, backpack trades, and an enthusiastic Wiki community might be a direction to look.

You can’t answer some key questions above and should wade in slowly, figuring out your answers as you go.

You have a brilliant mechanic, setting idea, or situation, but you haven’t really figure out how the rest of the game works, and are using a system based in assumptions that require questioning. This is a heartbreaker and it’s called that because other designers see the brilliant part, but see the rest of your game as holding back your brilliance.

You may resent the compromises you have to make in order to make your game a commercial success. You really don’t want to resent something that’s supposed to bring you joy.

Don’t do anything you’re going to resent. This is your creation, the fruit of your metaphorical loins! Don’t sell it out because you feel like your idea isn’t as valuable if you don’t sell a lot of copies or you want to play instead of formatting a PDF. Do what is right for this game, for you, right now. Being an independent developer means that you can make those choices for yourself. Don’t make the same choices someone else made just because they made them. Their circumstances were different. Make your own choices for your own art.

Sharing Dreams

Dreamation 2008

Two weeks ago, I took off for Dreamation with my deeply excellent Western Massive fellows and a lot of stuff went down. I’m gonna give a quick rundown, then I’ll write more detailed posts because some of what we discussed deserves more than a passing mention.

So, I played two games of Shock: The first was on Thursday night. Sorry, guys, I don’t have the records of your names — I had to hand it in! I have to start taking notes. Our Shock: was “Government Controlled Reincarnation.” We lived in this hideous 1984 world called Shangri-La, obviously in the Himalayas, where peoples’ reincarnations would be tracked and mandated. Criminals would be continually aborted (by one of our Protagonists, as it happened). Buddha kept trying to be born and, eventually, was. It was a really excellent game. Very sad, but the world looked like it was going to make it. There would again be compassion and enlightenment!

The other game was the 15-player game of Shock: below. We broke into four groups, then chose a Shock: communally. We went with “The Eve of the Clone Revolution”. It was a blast for me and everyone else involved. A million billion thanks to Judd, Evan, and Vincent for helping to facilitate that. I was sort of excited to have a common element because it sort of gives a moral carrier signal. The stories were really neat, but I lack the notes for all but my own. I’d love to hear from some people who ran the others.

Between those, I ran a playtest of Beowulf which introduced a funny problem that maybe has a funny solution. That’s certainly worth talking about later in detail.

I played in playtests of Omega Point by David Petroski, which has pacing issues, but seems like an otherwise good early phase of develpment for a cyberpunk game.

I also played in an epic, 8-player game of Food Holes, a comptetitive eating hack of Contenders by Remi Treuer and Jason Morningstar. That is some seriously revolting absurd funny.

And I played in Swashbucklers of the Seven Skies, Chad Underkoffler’s newest project. The game’s got some fun stuff in it, but the really great part was hanging out with Chad afterward. We drank a couple of pints, talked about politics, and waddaya know, talked about game design too.

Then we had the Independent Design Roundtable. This is what I want to write about first, because it really got me thinking about some hard questions that people need to ask themselves. That roundtable has been really good at showing folks how to slaughter sacred cows and there are some that snuck in under cover of night that are now in the herd. We’re gonna have to do some culling.

I ate dinner with excellent people I don’t get to see often, had the excellence of the Western Massive confirmed and re-confirmed (the Jeepform game run by Emily was, by all accounts, wildly successful, Julia ran The Saddest Game of Steal Away Jordan Ever, Meg had rowdy tables of people playing Thousand and One Nights, and Vincent and Evan jumped in to facilitate a full table of Shock: neophytes in The Big Game).

So thanks, Vinny and the rest of the Dreamation crowd. Thanks Western Massive, for being so excellent. Thanks to all my friends who I saw there and thanks to the people I didn’t know were my friends yet, but now do.

So Many Shock:s

Many Shock:s

I just received this email from Vinny, one of the coördinators of Dreamation, a con I’m going to next week in New Jersey:

I have an interesting situation to report to you. So far, I have 4 people trying to get into [the first scheduled game of Shock:] and 8 people trying to get into [the second one], and we’ve barely gotten the bulk of event reservations yet.

Um; what can we do? DREAMATION is too structured to just “thrown extra rounds of the game” into the convention. Do you have a second (or even a third) GM who can take additional tables? Is there any way to raise the max number of players from 3?

If you’re gonna be at Dreamation (and why wouldn’t you?) and can run a game of Shock: might you?

Let me know here or over at Story Games!


Three Musketeers

I’ve just spent the last two weeks exploring the Mid-Atantic states, spending time with friends and family in Richmond, VA, Washington, DC, and Durham, NC. Thank you all for hosting me. I had a spectacular time. I am blessed with wonderful people. Thank you for your support, your indulgence, and your senses of humor.

A week ago Last Monday night, I landed with the Durham Three (who are, mysteriously, Four, but Jason was sick. And I was there. So that’s four…) for an evening and we played a game of Shock: about individuals sacrificed for politics, demagoguery, and the responsibility of the Press. These were amplified with the Shock of a robot running for President — John Toyota-Kennedy (he’d married in). He was running on the popular but divisive platform of citizen’s rights for all sentients. Political sentiment was anti-robot to the point that Green Cards — required for robots to work, since they’re not citizens — had been altogether eliminated. Many robots had become citizens over time, but the process of naturalization had been wholly suspended and now Joe’s Protag — a Salvadoran line cook — was the man with the Last Green Card. That made him politically valuable and a celebrity. His Story Goal was to be reunited with his family. Instead, the government (in the form of the Office of the Secretary of Media, played by Clinton as my Antag and the INS robot with a deep contempt for robotkind played by Remi) conspired to use him up and throw him out with false promises after making him do horrible things.

Clinton’s Protag was a militant Pete Seeger, a combat robot with a banjo and one leg. He traveled around the US and Canada as a veteran combatant pleading the case of his own obvious humanity to a receptive audience. His pleasant demeanor belied a calculating and clever politician — a very human character indeed. He eventually negotiated the secession of Alaska as a robot homeland to share with the First Nations who’d been (apparently) trying to figure out how do such a thing on their own. He wound up being assassinated alongside Remi’s Rabbi Vivek Shapiro.

R. Shapiro was alone in his niche. As the world’s religions had rejected the prodigious robotkind, he’d found himself in an amazing position: the only religious leader in the world for millions of robots using his television show to stay in touch with them. His wife, Hadassah, was a robot, and though she played little part in the story as a character herself, she set things nicely: in the opening scene of Remi’s story, he was confronted outside the TV studio where he worked by a woman babbling about her boy having been killed by a robot and it getting away scot-free. The Rabbi and she shot each other. The good rabbi had shot low and defensively. The woman, Susan, shot high at his face, shattering it. He’d decided to become converted, and in the process, became the Vice-Presidential candidate just as he was assassinated. The EMP bomb that killed him also killed Clinton’s protag — who later emerged, backed up, and still missing his leg. Hadassah also died in the assassination.

The whole time, my Protag, a journalist, was being yanked around by the atrocious Secretary of Media — Angelina Jolie on the outside, Joseph Goebbels on the inside. He job was to establish the safety of US media, using law, smokescreen controversies, and eventually assassination to achieve her ends. It was never stated, but she was pretty clearly the most powerful public figure in the country. In the end, she and her office’s mandate were exposed as violently anti-Constitutional. Also, I got to beat up my chickenshit editor. It was a rare shard of optimism for a game of Shock: frankly.

I’m not sure when the episode will be up. It looks like it’s the next one, but I’m not sure. But thanks, guys. I had a really good time. You really know how to bring it.

The Dead Lady of Clown Town

… excerpted from The Rediscovery of Man, by Cordwainer Smith:

… Said little Joan… “I bring you life-with. It’s more than love. Love’s a hard, sad, dirty word, a cold word, an old word. It says too much and it promises too little. I bring you something much bigger than love. If you’re alive, you’re alive. If you’re alive-with, then you know the other life is there too — both of you, any of you, all of you. Don’t do anything. Don’t grab, don’t clench, don’t possess. Just be. That’s the weapon. There’s not a flame or a gun or a poison that can stop it.”

Shock: Going Out and Running Out

Everyone who’s ordered Shock: from me up to today should be receiving their book in the mail in the near future. Sorry it took so long, preorderers; I’ve really only just gotten back on track after Gen Con this week, both with shipping and with the rest of my professional life. Man, that thing takes it out of me.

Let me know if you don’t get your books in the appropriate future!  Kaare, this especially means you.

This also means that I should bring up something important: Shock: is almost sold out again! I’ve got 5 copies and IPR has 6 remaining. That’s right, 94 sold in the last four weeks. I could learn to love that! I’ll be doing another print run just as soon as I can, but you know the way these things work. It could be a while. So if you’re planning on playing the game soon, buy a book before they’re gone into the land of hazy printer communications!

Not as bad as I thought!

Indie RPG Awards

I’d been stupid busy when the Indie RPG awards were actually going out at Gen Con this year, so while I was really happy for the winners, I wasn’t paying that close attention to the standings. It turns out, though, that Shock: was pretty far up there: 6th runner up behind Meg Baker’s 1001 Nights, Fred Hicks’ Don’t Rest Your Head,  Jared Sorensen’s Lacuna Part 1, Chat Underkoffler’s Zorcerer of Zo, and Luke Crane’s Burning Empires. Those are all games I’m happy to lose to! In fact, there were few of the 44 entries that I’m not proud to stand beside.

Thanks, John Kim, for running the awards. You’re clearly doing your job well, if those are the games I’m losing to!

Looking Back to Look Forward

 There’s something really interesting going on at Fair Game: a retrospective among several of the key players of the Forge Booth about what happened when. See our trials and tribulations! Watch as questionable decisions are made, then recovered from! See as the recriminations and self-doubt of yesteryear turn into laughter and self-mockery!

Over at the Playcollective, we’ll be discussing out own impressions of this year as soon as we’ve got some time to figure out just what happened. It’s a big deal, starting a thing like that, and the results aren’t easy to see, never mind understand.

Bleary Eyes and Smiling Faces

Gen Con was great. The Playcollective succeeded glowingly (though the details of that glowing are debatable — we didn’t make a million billion dollars in solid gold rocket cars, but we made a huge first step, the nature of which we’re just starting to discuss), the Forge did its furious demo and excited customer thing, the Ashcan Front rocked out, and the Burning Dead slung games and donut-based rumors.

The games were great, the friends were greater, and I look forward to seeing everyone again just as soon as possible. Malc, we all miss you already and wish you a year of exploration and adventure, ending here in Western Mass.

No energy for making a headline pic.