Dear Battlestar Galactica,

Starbuck (with an inordinate amount of makeup)

I just finally got to watch the last three episodes of season 4.0, and I have this to say:

I love you.

I love Tigh stepping up and, for once, showing both spine and wisdom.

I love the Mexican standoff.

And… and… you chose the Earth I wanted most! You maniacs!

2 thoughts on “Dear Battlestar Galactica,”

  1. Is it possible to love the same things you loved, and yet find the episode really sloppily written? I’m still eager to see the rest of the season after the hiatus, but I feel like despite these bits of awesome they really rushed into the ending and got lazy in a few spots.

  2. I dunno, Fred. It’s felt like this has been brewing for the entire season, at the very least. I mean, I’m not sure if I’d feel the same way if this wasn’t going AS I’D PLANNED ALL ALONG. (Not that I didn’t have other dastardly plans, my *most* favoritest of which was that the Humans and Cylons would destroy Earth by fighting over it).

    What’s really exciting, and what I didn’t anticipate, was that this is happening before the end of the series altogether. I was expecting the entire series to end on a “Uh, so… Earth is blowed up… now what do we do?” note. Now we get to see them struggle for a semester to sort out their shit without an artificial, external goal. Now they have to say, “Uh, hey, guys, we just wiped out each others’ entire populations… maybe we can figure out how to make a civilization?”

    It’s not often that I say this, but this is already better than the ending to Beyond the Planet of the Apes, because it leaves time to explore what to do once the world’s gone.

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