Arthur C. Clarke Predicts


Dude knew what he was talking about. Note that he misses the killer app, though: pure social interaction.

0 thoughts on “Arthur C. Clarke Predicts”

  1. He also missed the future being unevenly distributed.

    When surgery happens in New Zealand at the direction of Edinburgh, it doesn’t mean “the world” has shrunk to a point, it just means that some people can afford that surgery,along with other bandwidth-heavy latency-sensitive tasks, or live in countries that can afford them.

    …But what he did say was pretty rad.

  2. It’s amazing to watch this over the internet, not because I get to see him, that was possible when the broadcast was made, but because some random guy thought I’d like to see this, put it up, and you embedded it here. It’s super obvious, but it was amazing to think about how distance has been rendered irrelevant in that forwarding, even as I’m watching him talk about it.

    He also didn’t guess that executives would still jump from country to check up on stuff and because of the ease of hiding things from someone who can only meet you in certain prescribed places, and only see the wall behind you.

    But I won’t hold that against him!

  3. Yeah, well, R. Buckminster Fuller thought that the solution to hunger was refrigeration. You can pardon a little pie-in-the-sky futurism when it’s really thoughtful otherwise.

    None of the Predictions About The Future I’ve seen have ever taken into account Marçel Duchamp, is the thing. He was ridiculous. And he, more than Fuller or Clarke, got the spirit of the 21st century down pat.

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