Bleary Eyes and Smiling Faces

Gen Con was great. The Playcollective succeeded glowingly (though the details of that glowing are debatable — we didn’t make a million billion dollars in solid gold rocket cars, but we made a huge first step, the nature of which we’re just starting to discuss), the Forge did its furious demo and excited customer thing, the Ashcan Front rocked out, and the Burning Dead slung games and donut-based rumors.

The games were great, the friends were greater, and I look forward to seeing everyone again just as soon as possible. Malc, we all miss you already and wish you a year of exploration and adventure, ending here in Western Mass.

No energy for making a headline pic.

0 thoughts on “Bleary Eyes and Smiling Faces”

  1. They were good times, my friend, good times.

    Leaving Gen Con this year was sadder than most, saying goodbye to you, Emily, Judd, Rob, Tony, Gregor, John, Brian N, Brian B and everyone else.

    Still, the next year promises much in the way of new experiences and sights. Exciting times.

    And I’ll certainly be back to Western Mass as soon as I can get my ass there.


  2. Yay for Malcolm’s ass! And the rest of you too!

    GenCon was a great time. Especially considering it was all one big experiment. When I got there on Weds and everyone was walking around like zombies from the interminable ride to get there–I got a little worried. Though I had energy to spare from Ropecon. 🙂 (I remember jumping around a lot and hugging lots of people).

    But it went great. I feel lucky to be among you fun and hardworking peoples.

    1. Yeah. I’m still having dreams about Gen Con and they’re all people dreams; all about my friends’ shining faces. Precious few about fascism freakouts.

  3. It was awesome to actually talk instead of weirdly orbiting each other this time.

    Next year, you need to take promoting Shock: to 11! You totally need a Shock:mobile. Check this out.


    1. Yow!

      Did you make that? And why are there always suspiciously hot cars outside that hotel? Last year there was a new Lotus Elise out there, this year, the Shock:mobile and something else.

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