Made of Stained Glass

In our ongoing Eyes Wide to the Stars playstorm, the culminating event you experience in your character exposition (what my games are using these days instead of “character creation”) is the opening of your character’s third eye.

Everyone playing at once makes contact with a hyperspatial entity of some sort that culminates in your flight from the human-civilized parts of the galaxy. You saw the sapient spaceship Elemenshuantalenianjuaat that appeared when two “freelance archaeologists” (tomb robbers of ancient aliens) found one that had been desperately trying to hide for a billion years from pursuers who we hope have given up the chase in that time.

This time, there was an entire mining operation with local scrip and work debt and union busters looking for artifacts. And at least one of the things they were searching for was occupied by a being I’m calling Yamichi.

“A person made of stained glass”

Yamichi has been buried for perhaps a million years in a tomb, or spacecraft, or something. There were originally five sarcophagi, but the others were empty. We don’t know if Yamichi is the only survivor, or was abandoned, or what. We’ll have to figure it out as we go, cuz that’s how my games roll!

Yamichi was aroused back to consciousness when a miner was hurt in an accident, perhaps when his mining laser hit the deflector systems of Yamichi’s tomb. The miner’s anguish woke Yamichi, and then the gruff, mercenary medic protagonist provided care, applying space bandages and giving him drugs that put him in an altered state of mind. The three had a moment of fusion that opened the two humans’ eyes. And that of the nearby Bloodhound, whose job it is to find and conscript those who can see into hyperspace.

The Bloodhound’s arguments were compelling. Weirdly compelling. And so the three ran aboard a crappy little cargo ship, reached out, and pulled the stars toward them.

Modular systems are a function of industrial society. But do people of The Fifth World still know how to agree to standards? With their acute interest in efficiency, I think they might have carried that lesson forward!

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