Recovering My Pants With Some Dignity

Busted Powerbook

As is traditional in this day and age, I spent a fair chunk of my weekend trying to figure out if I’d lost all of my work from the last eight years. Fortunately, my backups were what they appeared to be and my machine’s running better than it has in months.

That said, I’m not sure I’m not missing email and there are several people in my friends list in IM who have lost their proper names leaving me with “raspeng39457” as my only clue to the identity of said “friend”. So my communications might be hazy at first, particularly if you’re someone who, like my sister, has had no less than four IM names in the past two years.

(That computer in the post head, by the way, is running. A wardrobe was dropped on it. No, it’s not my computer. Mine is much, much better.)

5 thoughts on “Recovering My Pants With Some Dignity”

  1. Hi Joshua,

    GMail is one option for email – as is any IMAP based email server. And for your address book, there are a heap of options. How much did you lose?

    (as an aside, I took the photo in your post head šŸ™‚ – small world!)

    1. As it turns out, I lost no email at all. I lost a little bit of business records from the previous week ā€” nothing serious. Backups are a glorious thing.

      Matt, did you get here through pingback, or when I went looking for pictures of “busted computer” on the internet, did I find a picture taken by a Shock: fan?

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