Shock: illustrations, hot off the drawing board!

The following are the two extant illustrations for Shock: They’re both from Who Art in Heaven, the game fiction written by Ben Lehman.
A vacuumorph, laid out for dissection by company trainees.
The Revolution starts and blood is spilled.
In process is a drawing of the town in a nameless game played with Vincent and Carrie. The town is a company town, based around a space elevator on an alien planet. I’ll probably do another from Trash in the Hopper, played with Judd Karlman, Shawn DeArment, and Stephan Edelson. Most likely the scene where Judd’s character’s body is craving intimacy.

3 thoughts on “Shock: illustrations, hot off the drawing board!”

  1. The perspective on that pic gave me fits. Here’s the thing.

    The guy, in a vacuum, is a sphere, with added eyes, limbs, orifice (they’ve only got one), and scars. But he’s obviously in atmosphere and under gravity here, about to be dissected. So he’s kinda flat.

    That makes it damned close to impossible for me to figure out how he relates to any sort of vanishing point.

    I can’t even tell if the perspetive’s correct or not, since he’s such a floppy and weird shape.

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